

Page history last edited by Corinne Weisgerber 10 years, 12 months ago

For today's class you read about how RWW used the social bookmarking service Delicious to identify influencers on the web. Using the same process described in the RWW article, identify 1 Diigo user who was among the first 25 people to bookmark both of the following pages:




Here's what you need to do (adapted from the RWW article):

  1. Look up each URL in Diigo to see who bookmarked those 2 links first. 
  2. Scroll through the bookmarking history for each link to find the first 25 people who tagged the URL in question.
  3. Grab the usernames of those 25 people and paste them into a spreadsheet (you can also use a Word document) or try to memorize them. 
  4. Compare the names in the 2 lists and identify the person who on 2 occasions was among the first 25 people to bookmark a link  


The first person to correctly identify the Diigo user we're looking for needs to shout UNO!






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