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Video Homework

Page history last edited by Corinne Weisgerber 11 years, 8 months ago

Download this video produced by SEU students. Watch the video carefully (you'll probably have to watch it several times and pause it frequently) and identify the different shots it is composed of. All of the information you need for this homework assignment is discussed in ch. 8 of your book.


In a Word document, create a list of shots for the full 2 minutes of video. Between each shot identify the type of transition used (cut, fade, etc.). Upload the Word document to the Homework assignments folder on Blackboard. Your list will look something like this:


Shot 1: Establishing shot

Transition: cut

Shot 2: Over-the-shoulder shot

Transition: fade





It's easiest to watch this video on an Apple, but you should be able to open the file with Windows Media Player on a PC. If you are having trouble opening the file, please refer to this tutorial.


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